Why Escorts Never fall In Love

Why Escorts Never fall In Love

If life was fair to all, it would mean we all deserve the same opportunities. Be it economic footing to chances at falling in love, but life is not a fairy tale , its a bitch and so it fucks us all. You wonder if escorts ever find that one special someone in their life whom they are willing to give up their line of work for? Do they ever see themselves settling down with a man and having a family ? Coz that’s what everybody wants, right ? Believe it or not, some of these escorts are married to men and have children but those people have no clue that she is an escort. So the question is why don’t they ever be in love enough to leave their job and settle down.

To some ladies, being an escort is all about taking the power from men, using the things men look for in an escort to captivate him. When men approach them with sexual desire and are willing to pay good money to have them, it gives them a feeling of control and power. Over time, this feeling becomes a high that they cannot live without. So instead of looking for love, she will always be in search of the feeling that makes her feel above everything.

Some escorts got into their line of work due to childhood abuse issues. These ladies suffer from trauma and are burdened by memories that are not so pleasant. In that manner the escort will not be willing to expose her emotional side to any man. The lady will in turn not be willing to be vulnerable in any way emotional. Her chances at love reduce because she cannot let herself trust anyone under any circumstances

Broken promises
Many times men get attached to escorts. However, men are funny creatures who love their egos stroked every now and then. They will promise the escort a job or a business opportunity or a scholarship for further education when all the while he does not have the slightest intentions of keeping these promises. This in the end will make the lady sceptical of all men and their words, so she will never believe men easily even when a man is being genuine, and who could blame her, in her trade, the men she comes across are not exactly the genuine breed either. In the end her chances of falling in love with any man who woos her drop down significantly because she cannot trust one.

Being an escort exposes a lady to all kinds of men. Men come in all shapes, size and colour. They have all sorts of lies and the escorts can tell that they are living a double life. This is because the escorts frequently eavesdrop on the clients conversations and get a hint or two on the clients life and environment. They get to know that men are not always who they portray themselves to be. The more they see and experience this , the more they realize that they cannot trust men thus conclusively giving up on men.

Constant judgement
A Doctor can marry a nurse, a teacher can marry another teacher, and a lawyer can marry a fellow lawyer. People tend to meet and marry within their lines of work. If an escort gets into a relationship with a person who was her client , the relationship is always strained by gross mistrust from both sides and constant judgement. The man will always remind her that she was an escort and he did her a favour while the woman will always be suspicious that the man is seeing other escorts. Any issue in the relationship becomes a huge deal because of constant suspicion that raises the insecurity levels on both sides. For this reason the relationships never work and after a few attempts, bearing similar results, the lady will give up on love.

Generally speaking ,giving and receiving love is not going to be an escorts strong suit. She is more suitable when it comes to making it rather than maintain it. Their lives and background are webbed and intertwined with factors that do not allow them to easily cultivate and grow a strong loving relationship with a partner both physically and mentally.

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